
Contains main classes to use Bluedot SDK as ServiceManager, GeoTriggerService and TempoService classes


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class AppState(    val locationPermission: LocationPermission,     val notificationPermission: NotificationPermission,     val batteryLevel: Int,     val lastRuleUpdate: Instant?,     val viewState: ViewState,     val foregroundServiceEnabled: Boolean) : Parcelable

AppState stores the state of the Application when the event(Entry/Exit) was triggered by the SDK

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abstract class BDError : Parcelable
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abstract class BluedotServiceReceiver : BroadcastReceiver

A receiver for Bluedot SDK service events.

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data class FenceInfo(    val id: String?,     val name: String?,     val applicationId: String?,     val geometry: Geometry?,     val description: String?) : Parcelable

FenceInfo contains details of each fence created inside a zone

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abstract class GeoTriggeringEventReceiver : BroadcastReceiver

A receiver for GeoTriggering events.

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class GeoTriggeringService

GeoTriggeringService class is used to use GeoTriggering feature from bluedot SDK which includes reporting zone entry and exit events

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fun interface GeoTriggeringStatusListener

Provides callbacks on ServiceManager.startGeoTriggering&ServiceManager.stopGeoTriggering

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fun interface InitializationResultListener

Provides callbacks on ServiceManager.initialize

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data class LocationInfo(    val latitude: Double,     val longitude: Double,     speed: Float,     bearing: Float,     val timeStamp: Long) : Parcelable
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enum NotificationPermission : Enum<NotificationPermission>
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fun interface ResetResultReceiver

Provides callbacks on ServiceManager.reset

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class ServiceManager
Service manager is used to interact with Bluedot Point Service
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class TempoService

TempoService class is used to use Tempo feature from bluedot SDK which includes reporting tempo update and tempo stop events on a defined interval

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fun interface TempoServiceStatusListener

Provides callbacks on TempoService.start

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abstract class TempoTrackingReceiver : BroadcastReceiver

A receiver for Tempo events.

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enum ViewState : Enum<ViewState>
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class ZoneInfo(    val zoneId: String?,     val zoneName: String?,     val isCheckOut: Boolean?,     val destination: Destination? = null,     fences: HashSet<FenceInfo> = HashSet(),     enabled: Boolean = true,     customData: Map<String, String>? = null,     val description: String? = null) : Parcelable

ZoneInfo stores zone details for every zone downloaded by SDK from Rule Download.